EU Areas Maps within the United Kingdom
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The United Kingdom PSK Award Series (UKPA) was devised by the European PSK Club on 16th September 2007. This was to sponsor a series of PSK awards based on the administrative geography of the United Kingdom. Any UK PSK Award may be claimed by any licensed radio amateur, club station or DMS/SWL eligible under the EPC Awards General Rules who can produce evidence of having contacted/monitored amateur radio stations in the United Kingdom by using PSK modes. Contacts count with EPC members only, on or after 10th June 2006.

The UKPA Award may be claimed by any EPC member eligible under the UKPA General Rules listed above who can produce evidence of having contacted 100 EU Areas within the UK by using any type of the Phase Shift Keying.

The ENPA Award may be claimed by any EPC member eligible under the UKPA General Rules listed above who can produce evidence of having contacted 30 EU Areas within England by using any type of the Phase Shift Keying.

The SCPA Award may be claimed by any EPC member eligible under the UKPA General Rules listed above who can produce evidence of having contacted 10 EU Areas within Scotland by using any type of the Phase Shift Keying.

The WLPA Award may be claimed by any EPC member eligible under the UKPA General Rules listed above who can produce evidence of having contacted 10 EU Areas within Wales by using any type of the Phase Shift Keying.

The NIPA Award may be claimed by any EPC member eligible under the UKPA General Rules listed above who can produce evidence of having contacted 10 EU Areas within Northern Ireland by using any type of the Phase Shift Keying.

The BDPA Award may be claimed by any EPC member eligible under the UKPA General Rules listed above who can produce evidence of having contacted 3 EU Areas within British Crown Dependencies (Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man) by using any type of the Phase Shift Keying.