The EPC Croatian Award Series was devised by the Croatian Section of the European PSK Club (EPC-CRO) in the Radio Club of Zagreb on 25th November 2007 (idea and awards design by 9A3ACZ). This was to sponsor a series of PSK awards based on the EPC-CRO membership and administrative geography of Croatia. Any EPC-CRO award may be claimed by any licensed radio amateur, club station or SWL/DMS eligible under the EPC Awards General Rules who can produce evidence of having contacted/monitored Croatian EPC members by using PSK modes. PSK contacts are valid with any stations from Croatia on or after 10th June 2006.
There are eight EPC-CRO Awards at the moment: the EPC-CRO series in five classes BRONZE, SILVER, GOLD, PLATINUM and DIAMOND; and three Regional awards EPC-CRO EAST, EPC-CRO NORTH and EPC-CRO SOUTH. Credit will be given for contacts made on any of the amateur bands below 30 MHz. Confirmations from the EPC-CRO SWL or DMS stations are accepted as confirmed contacts.
EPC-CRO Awards
The EPC-CRO Awards may be claimed by any EPC member eligible under the EPC-CRO PSK Award Series General Rules listed above who can produce evidence of having contacted different Croatian stations by using any type of the Phase Shift Keying. Each contact with EPC-CRO member is worth 10 points. Only one QSO is permitted with each EPC-CRO member. Ten contacts with ordinary Croatian stations (EPC-CRO non-members) can be used as a «Joker» to replace any one missing QSO with EPC-CRO member (only three missing EPC-CRO members could be replaced in whole EPC-CRO award program). Each ordinary Croatian station (EPC-CRO non-member) counts only once, and each QSO is worth 1 point. The final score is the result of the total QSO points.

50 Points

100 Points

150 Points

190 Points

230 Points
EPC-CRO Regional Awards
The EPC-CRO Regional Awards may be claimed by any EPC member eligible under the EPC-CRO Award Series General Rules listed above who can produce evidence of having contacted different EPC members in various EU Areas within Croatia (see map above) by using any type of the Phase Shift Keying. Each station counts only once in each EU area within Croatia. Requirements per each award are listed below.

The applicant should make PSK contacts with EPC members from any
3 EU Areas in East Region of Croatia
(comprises of CR01, CR02, CR10, CR11, CR17 and CR18).

The applicant should make PSK contacts with EPC members from any
3 EU Areas in North Region of Croatia
(comprises of CR06, CR07, CR09, CR14, CR16, CR20 and CR21).

The applicant should make PSK contacts with EPC members from any
4 EU Areas in South Region of Croatia
(comprises of CR03, CR04, CR05, CR08, CR12, CR13, CR15 and CR19).