The Austrian PSK Award Series (AUPA) was devised by the European PSK Club on 11th August 2007. This was to sponsor a series of PSK awards based on the administrative geography of Austria. Any Austrian PSK Award may be claimed by any licensed radio amateur, club station or DMS/SWL eligible under the EPC Awards General Rules who can produce evidence of having contacted/monitored amateur radio stations in Austria by using PSK modes. Contacts count on or after 10th June 2006.

The AUPA Bronze Award may be claimed by any EPC member eligible under the Austrian PSK Award Series General Rules listed above who can produce evidence of having contacted 3 EU Areas within Austria by using any type of the Phase Shift Keying. The applicant should earn 50 points for contacts with Austrian stations. Each contact with EPC member is worth 3 points, with non-EPC station - 1 point. A multiplier of one is for each different Austrian EU Area. The final score is the result of the total QSO points multiplied by the sum of Austrian EU Area multipliers. To summarize the rules, the AUPA Bronze Award applicant should earn 50 points with Austrian stations having contacted at least 3 AU Areas.

The AUPA Silver Award may be claimed by any EPC member eligible under the Austrian PSK Award Series General Rules listed above who can produce evidence of having contacted 6 EU Areas within Austria by using any type of the Phase Shift Keying. The applicant should earn 150 points for contacts with Austrian stations. Each contact with EPC member is worth 3 points, with non-EPC station - 1 point. A multiplier of one is for each different Austrian EU Area. The final score is the result of the total QSO points multiplied by the sum of Austrian EU Area multipliers. To summarize the rules, the AUPA Silver Award applicant should earn 150 points with Austrian stations having contacted at least 6 AU Areas.

The AUPA Gold Award may be claimed by any EPC member eligible under the Austrian PSK Award Series General Rules listed above who can produce evidence of having contacted all 9 EU Areas within Austria by using any type of the Phase Shift Keying. The applicant should earn 300 points for contacts with Austrian stations. Each contact with EPC member is worth 3 points, with non-EPC station - 1 point. A multiplier of one is for each different Austrian EU Area. The final score is the result of the total QSO points multiplied by the sum of Austrian EU Area multipliers. To summarize the rules, the AUPA Gold Award applicant should earn 300 points with Austrian stations having contacted all 9 AU Areas.