The KZPA Award Series was devised by the Kazakhstan's Section of the European PSK Club (EPC- KZ) on 3rd March 2009. This was to sponsor a series of PSK awards for contacts with amateur radio stations from various administrative Regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
KZPA III, KZPA II, and KZPA I Awards may be claimed by any licensed radio amateur, club station or DMS (SWL) eligible under EPC Awards General Rules who can produce evidence in a form of ADIF log of having contacted or monitored amateur radio stations from 5, 10, and 15 different regions respectively on B(Q)PSK31, B(Q)PSK63, and B(Q)PSK125 modes. Credit will be given for contacts made on any of the amateur bands below 30 MHz. Each region counts only once. Contacts are valid on or after 10th June 2006.
Kazakhstan is divided into 14 regions. Almaty (UN-G) and Astana (UN-Z) cities have the status of State importance and do not relate to any region. Baikonur City (UN-S) has a special status because it is currently being leased to Russia with the Baikonur Space Launch Center until 2050. So that there are 17 entities in total for the KZPA Award Series. Amateur prefixes in Kazakhstan are UN, UO, UP and UQ.
Official List of the Regions of Kazakhstan
(Updated 12.09.2009)
UN-A | Region of Mangystau |
UN-B (UN-E & UN-Y) | Region of Akmola |
UN-C (UN-E) | Region of North Kazakhstan |
UN-F | Region of Pavlodar |
UN-G | Almaty City |
UN-I | Region of Aktobe |
UN-J (UN-D) | Region of East Kazakhstan |
UN-K | Region of Kyzylorda |
UN-L (UN-Y) | Region of Kostanay |
UN-M | Region of West Kazakhstan |
UN-N | Region of South Kazakhstan |
UN-O | Region of Atyrau |
UN-P (UN-R) | Region of Karagandy |
UN-Q (UN-V) | Region of Almaty |
UN-S | Baikonur City & Space Launch Center |
UN-T | Region of Jambyl |
UN-Z (UN-B) | Astana City |
Some Helpful Information
Each Kazakhstan's administrative unit has the «letter» designator (see table above). A further unique feature of the Kazakhstan's call sign allocation system is the ability to determine which administrative unit the call sign is located in. This is accomplished by the letter following the number. Number in the prefix can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ,8, 9, or 0. For example, in the call sign UN8CC, the first «C» designates a station from Region of North Kazakhstan; in the call sign UN1L, the «L» designates a station from Region of Kostanay; in the call sign UN2O, the «O» designates a station from Region of Atyrau; and so forth. The Baikonur Space Launch Center (Cosmodrome) with an adjacent area has its own «letter» designator «S». The «letter» designator of the Emergency Service stations is «X». These stations do not designate their location. The Repeater «letter» designator is «U», the next letter designates its location (such as UN7UGA, a repeater from Almaty City). The «letter» designators «D», «E», «H», «R», «V», «W», and «Y» are reserved.
Before the administrative reorganization in 1997 Kazakhstan was divided into 19 regions and 2 republican cities. After the reorganization 5 regions (Semey, Kokshetau, Zhezkazgan, Taldykorgan, and Torgay) merged with modern regions of Kazakhstan: Region of Semey (former call sign «letter» designator «D») merged with Region of East Kazakhstan; Region of Kokshetau (former call sign «letter» designator «E») merged partly with Region of North Kazakhstan, and partly with Region of Akmola; Region of Zhezkazgan (former call sign «letter» designator «R») merged with Region of Karagandy; Region of Taldykorgan (former call sign «letter» designator «V») merged with Region of Almaty; Region of Torgay (former call sign «letter» designator «Y») merged partly with Region of Kostanay, and partly with Region of Akmola. Stations from these former regions kept their old call signs for some time with the corresponding old «letter» designators. Accordingly these designators were allocated by this way: the «D» designator - Region of East Kazakhstan; the «E» designator - Region of Akmola and Region of North Kazakhstan; the «R» designator - Region of Karagandy; the «V» designator - Region of Almaty; the «Y» designator - Region of Kostanay and Region of Akmola.
The most common call signs are the six alphanumeric «2 x 3» call signs, such as UN7PBY. These call signs are used by class «5», «4», «3», and «2» operators, roughly equivalent (in order) to US Technician, Technician Plus, and General or Advanced class licences. Five alphanumeric «2 x 2» call signs, such as UN0LX, are used by the «1» licence class. Four alphanumeric «2 x 1» call signs, such as UN1L, are used by the «Extra» licence class. Stations of the «1» and «Extra» class are roughly equivalent to US Extra class licences. There is no difference in the call sign structure between individual and club stations. Ordinary call signs begin with the UN and UO prefixes. Special event call signs begin with the UP and UQ prefixes. The World War II veteran call signs used to have U7 prefix, such as U7GL. We are not sure if such call signs still exist.