The Canada - Quebec PSK Award (CAQCA) is dedicated to the 10th Anniversary of the European PSK Club. It has been sponsored by Radioarena UK Ltd and devised by the European PSK Club on 24th May, 2016 for two-way PSK contacts with amateur radio stations from different Quebec's local municipalities. Contacted stations don't need to be members of the European PSK Club. This award series has no time or date restrictions.
The Government of Quebec's Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Land Occupancy recognizes seven types of municipalities ‒ cities (cités), parishes (paroisses), municipalities (municipalités), towns (villes), townships (cantons), united townships (cantons unis) and villages (villages). Of Quebec's 1,111 municipalities, 640 or 58 percents of them are simply "municipalities". Of the remaining 471, there are 158 parishes, 223 towns, 44 townships, 2 united townships and 44 villages. Contacts with any of them are valid for the award series (see list below).
CAQCA 100, CAQCA 200, CAQCA 300, CAQCA 400, CAQCA 500, CAQCA 600, CAQCA 700, CAQCA 800, CAQCA 900 and CAQCA 1000 awards may be claimed by any licensed radio amateur, club station or DMS/SWL eligible under the EPC Awards General Rules who can produce evidence of having contacted 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, and 1000 current (different) Quebec's municipalities respectively at the time of application.
Please make sure that the «CNTY» field in your ADIF log contains correct municipality name - exactly as given in the column «Name» in the table below. Or add the AreaCode in format "#AREA CA.QC.XXX" to your commment field.
List of Quebec's 1111 municipalities