The Canada - Ontario PSK Award (CAONA) is dedicated to the 10th Anniversary of the European PSK Club. It has been sponsored by Radioarena UK Ltd and devised by the European PSK Club on 24th May, 2016 for two-way PSK contacts with amateur radio stations from different Ontario's local municipalities. Contacted stations don't need to be members of the European PSK Club. This award series has no time or date restrictions.
A municipality in Ontario is a geographic area whose inhabitants are incorporated according to the Municipal Act, 2001. This award programme is based on the Ontario's lower-tier and single-tier municipalities (unitary authorities). Single and lower-tier municipalities are grouped together as local municipalities. Ontario's 414 local municipalities comprise of 241 lower-tier municipalities and 173 single-tier municipalities.
CAONA 50, CAONA 100, CAONA 150, CAONA 200, CAONA 250, CAONA 300, CAONA 350, and CAONA 400 awards may be claimed by any licensed radio amateur, club station or DMS/SWL eligible under the EPC Awards General Rules who can produce evidence of having contacted 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, and 400 current (different) Ontario's municipalities and municipality equivalents respectively at the time of application.
Please make sure that the «CNTY» field in your ADIF log contains correct municipality name - exactly as given in the column «Name» in the table below. Or add the AreaCode in format "#AREA CA.ON.XXX" to your commment field.
Name | Municipal sub-type | Census division | AreaCode |
Addington Highlands | Township | Lennox and Addington | CA.ON.ADD |
Adelaide-Metcalfe | Township | Middlesex | CA.ON.ADE |
Adjala-Tosorontio | Township | Simcoe | CA.ON.ADJ |
Admaston/Bromley | Township | Renfrew | CA.ON.ADM |
Ajax | Town | Durham | CA.ON.AJA |
Alberton | Township | Rainy River | CA.ON.ALB |
Alfred and Plantagenet | Township | Prescott and Russell | CA.ON.ALF |
Algonquin Highlands | Township | Haliburton | CA.ON.ALG |
Alnwick/Haldimand | Township | Northumberland | CA.ON.ALN |
Amaranth | Township | Dufferin | CA.ON.AMA |
Amherstburg | Town | Essex | CA.ON.AMH |
Armour | Township | Parry Sound | CA.ON.ARM |
Armstrong | Township | Timiskaming | CA.ON.ARS |
Arnprior | Town | Renfrew | CA.ON.ARN |
Arran-Elderslie | Municipality | Bruce | CA.ON.ARR |
Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh | Township | Huron | CA.ON.ASH |
Asphodel-Norwood | Township | Peterborough | CA.ON.ASP |
Assiginack | Township | Manitoulin | CA.ON.ASS |
Athens | Township | Leeds and Grenville | CA.ON.ATH |
Atikokan | Town | Rainy River | CA.ON.ATI |
Augusta | Township | Leeds and Grenville | CA.ON.AUG |
Aurora | Town | York | CA.ON.AUR |
Aylmer | Town | Elgin | CA.ON.AYL |
Baldwin | Township | Sudbury | CA.ON.BAL |
Bancroft | Town | Hastings | CA.ON.BAN |
Barrie | City | Simcoe | CA.ON.BAR |
Bayham | Municipality | Elgin | CA.ON.BAY |
Beckwith | Township | Lanark | CA.ON.BEC |
Belleville | City | Hastings | CA.ON.BEL |
Billings | Township | Manitoulin | CA.ON.BIL |
Black River-Matheson | Township | Cochrane | CA.ON.BRM |
Blandford-Blenheim | Township | Oxford | CA.ON.BLA |
Blind River | Town | Algoma | CA.ON.BLI |
Bluewater | Municipality | Huron | CA.ON.BLU |
Bonfield | Township | Nipissing | CA.ON.BON |
Bonnechere Valley | Township | Renfrew | CA.ON.BOV |
Bracebridge | Town | Muskoka | CA.ON.BRA |
Bradford West Gwillimbury | Town | Simcoe | CA.ON.BWG |
Brampton | City | Peel | CA.ON.BRP |
Brant | City | Brant | CA.ON.BRN |
Brantford | City | Brant | CA.ON.BRF |
Brethour | Township | Timiskaming | CA.ON.BRE |
Brighton | Municipality | Northumberland | CA.ON.BRI |
Brock | Township | Durham | CA.ON.BRO |
Brockton | Municipality | Bruce | CA.ON.BRV |
Brockville | City | Leeds and Grenville | CA.ON.BRT |
Brooke-Alvinston | Municipality | Lambton | CA.ON.BAV |
Bruce Mines | Town | Algoma | CA.ON.BMI |
Brudenell, Lyndoch and Raglan | Township | Renfrew | CA.ON.BLR |
Burk's Falls | Village | Parry Sound | CA.ON.BUF |
Burlington | City | Halton | CA.ON.BUR |
Burpee and Mills | Township | Manitoulin | CA.ON.BUM |
Caledon | Town | Peel | CA.ON.CAL |
Callander | Municipality | Parry Sound | CA.ON.CLR |
Calvin | Municipality | Nipissing | CA.ON.CAV |
Cambridge | City | Waterloo | CA.ON.CAM |
Carleton Place | Town | Lanark | CA.ON.CAP |
Carling | Township | Parry Sound | CA.ON.CAR |
Carlow/Mayo | Township | Hastings | CA.ON.CAW |
Casey | Township | Timiskaming | CA.ON.CAS |
Casselman | Village | Prescott and Russell | CA.ON.CSM |
Cavan-Monaghan | Township | Peterborough | CA.ON.CMG |
Central Elgin | Municipality | Elgin | CA.ON.CEL |
Central Frontenac | Township | Frontenac | CA.ON.CFR |
Central Huron | Municipality | Huron | CA.ON.CHU |
Central Manitoulin | Municipality | Manitoulin | CA.ON.CMA |
Centre Hastings | Municipality | Hastings | CA.ON.CEH |
Centre Wellington | Township | Wellington | CA.ON.CWE |
Chamberlain | Township | Timiskaming | CA.ON.CHA |
Champlain | Township | Prescott and Russell | CA.ON.CMP |
Chapleau | Township | Sudbury | CA.ON.CPL |
Chapple | Township | Rainy River | CA.ON.CPE |
Charlton and Dack | Municipality | Timiskaming | CA.ON.CAD |
Chatham-Kent | Municipality | Chatham-Kent | CA.ON.CHK |
Chatsworth | Township | Grey | CA.ON.CHW |
Chisholm | Township | Nipissing | CA.ON.CHI |
Clarence-Rockland | City | Prescott and Russell | CA.ON.CRL |
Clarington | Municipality | Durham | CA.ON.CLA |
Clearview | Township | Simcoe | CA.ON.CLE |
Cobalt | Town | Timiskaming | CA.ON.COB |
Cobourg | Town | Northumberland | CA.ON.CBG |
Cochrane | Town | Cochrane | CA.ON.COC |
Cockburn Island | Township | Manitoulin | CA.ON.COI |
Coleman | Township | Timiskaming | CA.ON.COL |
Collingwood | Town | Simcoe | CA.ON.CLW |
Conmee | Township | Thunder Bay | CA.ON.CON |
Cornwall | City | Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry | CA.ON.COW |
Cramahe | Township | Northumberland | CA.ON.CRA |
Dawn-Euphemia | Township | Lambton | CA.ON.DAE |
Dawson | Township | Rainy River | CA.ON.DAW |
Deep River | Town | Renfrew | CA.ON.DEE |
Deseronto | Town | Hastings | CA.ON.DES |
Dorion | Township | Thunder Bay | CA.ON.DOR |
Douro-Dummer | Township | Peterborough | CA.ON.DOU |
Drummond/North Elmsley | Township | Lanark | CA.ON.DRU |
Dryden | City | Kenora | CA.ON.DRY |
Dubreuilville | Township | Algoma | CA.ON.DUB |
Dutton/Dunwich | Municipality | Elgin | CA.ON.DUT |
Dysart, Dudley, Harcourt, Guilford, Harburn, Bruton, Havelock, Eyre and Clyde | Township | Haliburton | CA.ON.DYS |
Ear Falls | Township | Kenora | CA.ON.EAR |
East Ferris | Township | Nipissing | CA.ON.EFA |
East Garafraxa | Township | Dufferin | CA.ON.EGA |
East Gwillimbury | Town | York | CA.ON.EGW |
East Hawkesbury | Township | Prescott and Russell | CA.ON.EHA |
East Zorra-Tavistock | Township | Oxford | CA.ON.EZT |
Edwardsburgh/Cardinal | Township | Leeds and Grenville | CA.ON.EDW |
Elizabethtown-Kitley | Township | Leeds and Grenville | CA.ON.ELI |
Elliot Lake | City | Algoma | CA.ON.ELL |
Emo | Township | Rainy River | CA.ON.EMO |
Englehart | Town | Timiskaming | CA.ON.ENG |
Enniskillen | Township | Lambton | CA.ON.ENN |
Erin | Town | Wellington | CA.ON.ERI |
Espanola | Town | Sudbury | CA.ON.ESP |
Essa | Township | Simcoe | CA.ON.ESS |
Essex | Town | Essex | CA.ON.ESX |
Evanturel | Township | Timiskaming | CA.ON.EVA |
Faraday | Township | Hastings | CA.ON.FAR |
Fauquier-Strickland | Township | Cochrane | CA.ON.FAU |
Fort Erie | Town | Niagara | CA.ON.FOR |
Fort Frances | Town | Rainy River | CA.ON.FFR |
French River | Municipality | Sudbury | CA.ON.FRE |
Front of Yonge | Township | Leeds and Grenville | CA.ON.FOY |
Frontenac Islands | Township | Frontenac | CA.ON.FRO |
Gananoque | Town | Leeds and Grenville | CA.ON.GAN |
Gauthier | Township | Timiskaming | CA.ON.GAU |
Georgian Bay | Township | Muskoka | CA.ON.GEB |
Georgian Bluffs | Township | Grey | CA.ON.GBL |
Georgina | Town | York | CA.ON.GEO |
Gillies | Township | Thunder Bay | CA.ON.GIL |
Goderich | Town | Huron | CA.ON.GOD |
Gordon/Barrie Island | Municipality | Manitoulin | CA.ON.GBI |
Gore Bay | Town | Manitoulin | CA.ON.GOR |
Grand Valley | Town | Dufferin | CA.ON.GRV |
Gravenhurst | Town | Muskoka | CA.ON.GRA |
Greater Madawaska | Township | Renfrew | CA.ON.GMA |
Greater Napanee | Town | Lennox and Addington | CA.ON.GNA |
Greater Sudbury | City | Sudbury | CA.ON.GSU |
Greenstone | Municipality | Thunder Bay | CA.ON.GNS |
Grey Highlands | Municipality | Grey | CA.ON.GRE |
Grimsby | Town | Niagara | CA.ON.GRI |
Guelph | City | Wellington | CA.ON.GUE |
Guelph/Eramosa | Township | Wellington | CA.ON.GER |
Haldimand | City | Haldimand | CA.ON.HAL |
Halton Hills | Town | Halton | CA.ON.HAH |
Hamilton | City | Hamilton | CA.ON.HAM |
Hamilton | Township | Northumberland | CA.ON.HAT |
Hanover | Town | Grey | CA.ON.HAN |
Harley | Township | Timiskaming | CA.ON.HLY |
Harris | Township | Timiskaming | CA.ON.HAR |
Hastings Highlands | Municipality | Hastings | CA.ON.HHI |
Havelock-Belmont-Methuen | Township | Peterborough | CA.ON.HAV |
Hawkesbury | Town | Prescott and Russell | CA.ON.HAW |
Head, Clara and Maria | Township | Renfrew | CA.ON.HCM |
Hearst | Town | Cochrane | CA.ON.HEA |
Highlands East | Municipality | Haliburton | CA.ON.HIG |
Hilliard | Township | Timiskaming | CA.ON.HIL |
Hilton | Township | Algoma | CA.ON.HLN |
Hilton Beach | Village | Algoma | CA.ON.HIB |
Hornepayne | Township | Algoma | CA.ON.HOP |
Horton | Township | Renfrew | CA.ON.HOR |
Howick | Township | Huron | CA.ON.HOW |
Hudson | Township | Timiskaming | CA.ON.HUD |
Huntsville | Town | Muskoka | CA.ON.HUN |
Huron East | Municipality | Huron | CA.ON.HUE |
Huron Shores | Municipality | Algoma | CA.ON.HUS |
Huron-Kinloss | Township | Bruce | CA.ON.HUK |
Ignace | Township | Kenora | CA.ON.IGN |
Ingersoll | Town | Oxford | CA.ON.ING |
Innisfil | Town | Simcoe | CA.ON.INN |
Iroquois Falls | Town | Cochrane | CA.ON.IRO |
James | Township | Timiskaming | CA.ON.JAM |
Jocelyn | Township | Algoma | CA.ON.JOC |
Johnson | Township | Algoma | CA.ON.JOH |
Joly | Township | Parry Sound | CA.ON.JOL |
Kapuskasing | Town | Cochrane | CA.ON.KAP |
Kawartha Lakes | City | Kawartha Lakes | CA.ON.KAW |
Kearney | Town | Parry Sound | CA.ON.KEA |
Kenora | City | Kenora | CA.ON.KEN |
Kerns | Township | Timiskaming | CA.ON.KER |
Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards | Township | Renfrew | CA.ON.KHR |
Killarney | Municipality | Sudbury | CA.ON.KIL |
Kincardine | Municipality | Bruce | CA.ON.KIC |
King | Township | York | CA.ON.KIN |
Kingston | City | Frontenac | CA.ON.KSN |
Kingsville | Town | Essex | CA.ON.KIV |
Kirkland Lake | Town | Timiskaming | CA.ON.KIR |
Kitchener | City | Waterloo | CA.ON.KIT |
La Vallee | Township | Rainy River | CA.ON.LAV |
Laird | Township | Algoma | CA.ON.LAI |
Lake of Bays | Township | Muskoka | CA.ON.LAB |
Lake of the Woods | Township | Rainy River | CA.ON.LAW |
Lakeshore | Town | Essex | CA.ON.LAK |
Lambton Shores | Municipality | Lambton | CA.ON.LAM |
Lanark Highlands | Township | Lanark | CA.ON.LAN |
Larder Lake | Township | Timiskaming | CA.ON.LAR |
LaSalle | Town | Essex | CA.ON.LAS |
Latchford | Town | Timiskaming | CA.ON.LAT |
Laurentian Hills | Town | Renfrew | CA.ON.LAH |
Laurentian Valley | Township | Renfrew | CA.ON.LAU |
Leamington | Municipality | Essex | CA.ON.LEA |
Leeds and the Thousand Islands | Township | Leeds and Grenville | CA.ON.LEE |
Limerick | Township | Hastings | CA.ON.LIM |
Lincoln | Town | Niagara | CA.ON.LIN |
London | City | Middlesex | CA.ON.LON |
Loyalist | Township | Lennox and Addington | CA.ON.LOY |
Lucan Biddulph | Township | Middlesex | CA.ON.LUC |
Macdonald, Meredith and Aberdeen Additional | Township | Algoma | CA.ON.MMA |
Machar | Township | Parry Sound | CA.ON.MAC |
Machin | Township | Kenora | CA.ON.MCN |
Madawaska Valley | Township | Renfrew | CA.ON.MAV |
Madoc | Township | Hastings | CA.ON.MAD |
Magnetawan | Municipality | Parry Sound | CA.ON.MAG |
Malahide | Township | Elgin | CA.ON.MAL |
Manitouwadge | Township | Thunder Bay | CA.ON.MAN |
Mapleton | Township | Wellington | CA.ON.MAP |
Marathon | Town | Thunder Bay | CA.ON.MAR |
Markham | City | York | CA.ON.MAH |
Markstay-Warren | Municipality | Sudbury | CA.ON.MAW |
Marmora and Lake | Municipality | Hastings | CA.ON.MLA |
Matachewan | Township | Timiskaming | CA.ON.MAT |
Mattawa | Town | Nipissing | CA.ON.MWA |
Mattawan | Township | Nipissing | CA.ON.MWN |
Mattice-Val Côté | Township | Cochrane | CA.ON.MVC |
McDougall | Township | Parry Sound | CA.ON.MCD |
McGarry | Township | Timiskaming | CA.ON.MCG |
McKellar | Township | Parry Sound | CA.ON.MCK |
McMurrich/Monteith | Township | Parry Sound | CA.ON.MCM |
McNab/Braeside | Township | Renfrew | CA.ON.MNB |
Meaford | Municipality | Grey | CA.ON.MEA |
Melancthon | Township | Dufferin | CA.ON.MEL |
Merrickville-Wolford | Village | Leeds and Grenville | CA.ON.MER |
Middlesex Centre | Municipality | Middlesex | CA.ON.MIC |
Midland | Town | Simcoe | CA.ON.MID |
Milton | Town | Halton | CA.ON.MIL |
Minden Hills | Township | Haliburton | CA.ON.MIH |
Minto | Town | Wellington | CA.ON.MIN |
Mississauga | City | Peel | CA.ON.MIS |
Mississippi Mills | Town | Lanark | CA.ON.MIM |
Mono | Town | Dufferin | CA.ON.MON |
Montague | Township | Lanark | CA.ON.MOT |
Moonbeam | Township | Cochrane | CA.ON.MOB |
Moosonee | Town | Cochrane | CA.ON.MOO |
Morley | Township | Rainy River | CA.ON.MOR |
Morris-Turnberry | Municipality | Huron | CA.ON.MRT |
Mulmur | Township | Dufferin | CA.ON.MUL |
Muskoka Lakes | Township | Muskoka | CA.ON.MUS |
Nairn and Hyman | Township | Sudbury | CA.ON.NAI |
Neebing | Municipality | Thunder Bay | CA.ON.NEE |
New Tecumseth | Town | Simcoe | CA.ON.NET |
Newbury | Village | Middlesex | CA.ON.NEB |
Newmarket | Town | York | CA.ON.NEM |
Niagara Falls | City | Niagara | CA.ON.NIF |
Niagara-on-the-Lake | Town | Niagara | CA.ON.NIA |
Nipigon | Township | Thunder Bay | CA.ON.NIP |
Nipissing | Township | Parry Sound | CA.ON.NIG |
Norfolk | City | Norfolk | CA.ON.NOR |
North Algona Wilberforce | Township | Renfrew | CA.ON.NAW |
North Bay | City | Nipissing | CA.ON.NBY |
North Dumfries | Township | Waterloo | CA.ON.NDU |
North Dundas | Township | Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry | CA.ON.NDD |
North Frontenac | Township | Frontenac | CA.ON.NFR |
North Glengarry | Township | Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry | CA.ON.NGL |
North Grenville | Municipality | Leeds and Grenville | CA.ON.NGR |
North Huron | Township | Huron | CA.ON.NHU |
North Kawartha | Township | Peterborough | CA.ON.NKA |
North Middlesex | Municipality | Middlesex | CA.ON.NOM |
North Perth | Municipality | Perth | CA.ON.NPE |
North Stormont | Township | Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry | CA.ON.NST |
Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands | Town | Manitoulin | CA.ON.NMI |
Northern Bruce Peninsula | Municipality | Bruce | CA.ON.NBP |
Norwich | Township | Oxford | CA.ON.NOW |
O'Connor | Township | Thunder Bay | CA.ON.OCO |
Oakville | Town | Halton | CA.ON.OAK |
Oil Springs | Village | Lambton | CA.ON.OIL |
Oliver Paipoonge | Municipality | Thunder Bay | CA.ON.OLI |
Opasatika | Township | Cochrane | CA.ON.OPA |
Orangeville | Town | Dufferin | CA.ON.ORV |
Orillia | City | Simcoe | CA.ON.ORI |
Oro-Medonte | Township | Simcoe | CA.ON.ORO |
Oshawa | City | Durham | CA.ON.OSH |
Otonabee-South Monaghan | Township | Peterborough | CA.ON.OTO |
Ottawa | City | Ottawa | CA.ON.OTT |
Owen Sound | City | Grey | CA.ON.OWE |
Papineau-Cameron | Township | Nipissing | CA.ON.PAP |
Parry Sound | Town | Parry Sound | CA.ON.PAR |
Pelee | Township | Essex | CA.ON.PEL |
Pelham | Town | Niagara | CA.ON.PLH |
Pembroke | City | Renfrew | CA.ON.PEM |
Penetanguishene | Town | Simcoe | CA.ON.PEN |
Perry | Township | Parry Sound | CA.ON.PER |
Perth | Town | Lanark | CA.ON.PRT |
Perth East | Township | Perth | CA.ON.PEE |
Perth South | Township | Perth | CA.ON.PES |
Petawawa | Town | Renfrew | CA.ON.PET |
Peterborough | City | Peterborough | CA.ON.PTB |
Petrolia | Town | Lambton | CA.ON.PTR |
Pickering | City | Durham | CA.ON.PIC |
Pickle Lake | Township | Kenora | CA.ON.PIL |
Plummer Additional | Township | Algoma | CA.ON.PLU |
Plympton-Wyoming | Town | Lambton | CA.ON.PLY |
Point Edward | Village | Lambton | CA.ON.POI |
Port Colborne | City | Niagara | CA.ON.POR |
Port Hope | Municipality | Northumberland | CA.ON.POH |
Powassan | Municipality | Parry Sound | CA.ON.POW |
Prescott | Town | Leeds and Grenville | CA.ON.PRE |
Prince | Township | Algoma | CA.ON.PRI |
Prince Edward | City | Prince Edward | CA.ON.PED |
Puslinch | Township | Wellington | CA.ON.PUS |
Quinte West | City | Hastings | CA.ON.QUI |
Rainy River | Town | Rainy River | CA.ON.RAI |
Ramara | Township | Simcoe | CA.ON.RAM |
Red Lake | Municipality | Kenora | CA.ON.RED |
Red Rock | Township | Thunder Bay | CA.ON.RER |
Renfrew | Town | Renfrew | CA.ON.REN |
Richmond Hill | Town | York | CA.ON.RIC |
Rideau Lakes | Township | Leeds and Grenville | CA.ON.RID |
Russell | Township | Prescott and Russell | CA.ON.RUS |
Ryerson | Township | Parry Sound | CA.ON.RYE |
Sables-Spanish Rivers | Township | Sudbury | CA.ON.SAB |
Sarnia | City | Lambton | CA.ON.SAR |
Saugeen Shores | Town | Bruce | CA.ON.SAU |
Sault Ste. Marie | City | Algoma | CA.ON.SSM |
Schreiber | Township | Thunder Bay | CA.ON.SCH |
Scugog | Township | Durham | CA.ON.SCU |
Seguin | Township | Parry Sound | CA.ON.SEG |
Selwyn | Township | Peterborough | CA.ON.SEL |
Severn | Township | Simcoe | CA.ON.SEV |
Shelburne | Town | Dufferin | CA.ON.SHE |
Shuniah | Municipality | Thunder Bay | CA.ON.SHU |
Sioux Lookout | Municipality | Kenora | CA.ON.SIO |
Sioux Narrows-Nestor Falls | Township | Kenora | CA.ON.SNN |
Smiths Falls | Town | Lanark | CA.ON.SMI |
Smooth Rock Falls | Town | Cochrane | CA.ON.SMO |
South Algonquin | Township | Nipissing | CA.ON.SAL |
South Bruce | Municipality | Bruce | CA.ON.SBR |
South Bruce Peninsula | Town | Bruce | CA.ON.SBP |
South Dundas | Municipality | Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry | CA.ON.SDU |
South Frontenac | Township | Frontenac | CA.ON.SFR |
South Glengarry | Township | Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry | CA.ON.SGL |
South Huron | Municipality | Huron | CA.ON.SOH |
South River | Village | Parry Sound | CA.ON.SRI |
South Stormont | Township | Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry | CA.ON.SST |
South-West Oxford | Township | Oxford | CA.ON.SWO |
Southgate | Township | Grey | CA.ON.SOG |
Southwest Middlesex | Municipality | Middlesex | CA.ON.SWM |
Southwold | Township | Elgin | CA.ON.SOW |
Spanish | Town | Algoma | CA.ON.SPA |
Springwater | Township | Simcoe | CA.ON.SPR |
St. Catharines | City | Niagara | CA.ON.STC |
St. Charles | Municipality | Sudbury | CA.ON.SCA |
St. Clair | Township | Lambton | CA.ON.SCL |
St. Joseph | Township | Algoma | CA.ON.STJ |
St. Marys | Town | Perth | CA.ON.STM |
St. Thomas | City | Elgin | CA.ON.STH |
Stirling-Rawdon | Township | Hastings | CA.ON.STI |
Stone Mills | Township | Lennox and Addington | CA.ON.STO |
Stratford | City | Perth | CA.ON.STF |
Strathroy-Caradoc | Township | Middlesex | CA.ON.STR |
Strong | Township | Parry Sound | CA.ON.STG |
Sundridge | Village | Parry Sound | CA.ON.SUN |
Tarbutt and Tarbutt Additional | Township | Algoma | CA.ON.TTA |
Tay | Township | Simcoe | CA.ON.TAY |
Tay Valley | Township | Lanark | CA.ON.TAV |
Tecumseh | Town | Essex | CA.ON.TEC |
Tehkummah | Township | Manitoulin | CA.ON.TEH |
Temagami | Municipality | Nipissing | CA.ON.TEM |
Temiskaming Shores | City | Timiskaming | CA.ON.TES |
Terrace Bay | Township | Thunder Bay | CA.ON.TER |
Thames Centre | Municipality | Middlesex | CA.ON.THA |
The Archipelago | Township | Parry Sound | CA.ON.TAR |
The Blue Mountains | Town | Grey | CA.ON.TBM |
The Nation | Municipality | Prescott and Russell | CA.ON.TNA |
The North Shore | Township | Algoma | CA.ON.TNS |
Thessalon | Town | Algoma | CA.ON.THE |
Thornloe | Village | Timiskaming | CA.ON.THO |
Thorold | City | Niagara | CA.ON.THD |
Thunder Bay | City | Thunder Bay | CA.ON.THU |
Tillsonburg | Town | Oxford | CA.ON.TIL |
Timmins | City | Cochrane | CA.ON.TIM |
Tiny | Township | Simcoe | CA.ON.TIN |
Toronto | City | Toronto | CA.ON.TOR |
Trent Hills | Municipality | Northumberland | CA.ON.TRE |
Trent Lakes | Municipality | Peterborough | CA.ON.TRL |
Tudor and Cashel | Township | Hastings | CA.ON.TUD |
Tweed | Municipality | Hastings | CA.ON.TWE |
Tyendinaga | Township | Hastings | CA.ON.TYE |
Uxbridge | Township | Durham | CA.ON.UXB |
Val Rita-Harty | Township | Cochrane | CA.ON.VAL |
Vaughan | City | York | CA.ON.VAU |
Wainfleet | Township | Niagara | CA.ON.WAI |
Warwick | Township | Lambton | CA.ON.WAR |
Wasaga Beach | Town | Simcoe | CA.ON.WAS |
Waterloo | City | Waterloo | CA.ON.WAT |
Wawa | Municipality | Algoma | CA.ON.WAW |
Welland | City | Niagara | CA.ON.WEL |
Wellesley | Township | Waterloo | CA.ON.WLL |
Wellington North | Township | Wellington | CA.ON.WEN |
West Elgin | Municipality | Elgin | CA.ON.WEE |
West Grey | Municipality | Grey | CA.ON.WGR |
West Lincoln | Township | Niagara | CA.ON.WLI |
West Nipissing | Municipality | Nipissing | CA.ON.WNI |
West Perth | Municipality | Perth | CA.ON.WPE |
Westport | Village | Leeds and Grenville | CA.ON.WES |
Whitby | Town | Durham | CA.ON.WHI |
Whitchurch-Stouffville | Town | York | CA.ON.WHS |
White River | Township | Algoma | CA.ON.WHR |
Whitestone | Municipality | Parry Sound | CA.ON.WST |
Whitewater | Township | Renfrew | CA.ON.WHW |
Wilmot | Township | Waterloo | CA.ON.WIL |
Windsor | City | Essex | CA.ON.WIN |
Wollaston | Township | Hastings | CA.ON.WOL |
Woodstock | City | Oxford | CA.ON.WOO |
Woolwich | Township | Waterloo | CA.ON.WOW |
Zorra | Township | Oxford | CA.ON.ZOR |