Shortwave Listening (SWL) is a hobby, listening to shortwave radio broadcasts or amateur radio stations. Since digital modes of communication became popular amongst radio amateurs, digital mode monitoring is now starting to come into use. The traditional concept of Shortwave Listening does not include the use of software to decode and monitor radio stations using digital modes and indeed, you don't listen to PSK, RTTY or SSTV signals, you monitor them!

The European PSK Club (EPC) has created a special Digital Monitoring Section. Its purpose is to involve more people in digital monitoring, and promote good monitoring practice across all amateur bands. The section issues and maintains a database of unique Digital Monitoring Station (DMS) identification signs. These signs are based on the recognized international prefix system. Successful applicants receive a high quality, colourful DMS and EPC certificates in PDF format via email. Each new applicant is assigned a unique DMS Identification Sign and EPC Number for life. DMS identification signs and EPC numbers are never re-issued; they are permanently listed in the EPC Records. Anyone can apply and get a DMS identification sign, there are no special requirements.

This service, including certificates is free of charge. The EPC Digital Monitoring Section has defined a unique system of DMS identification signs. Be aware that this is not an official standard, sanctioned by any international body. This is intended for the digital monitoring hobby. Each DMS identification sign consists of a two-character country prefix, four-number Grid Square code, and two-number personal code that is unique within the Grid Square. For example, GM-967502 represents Scotland «GM», in Grid Square «IO75», where «IO» is converted into two-number code «96» (see table below), and the station's personal number is «02».

Prefix Allocation

1A Order of Malta
3A Monaco
3B Mauritius
3C Equatorial Guinea
3D Swaziland
3D Fiji
3V Tunisia
3W Vietnam
3X Guinea
4K Azerbaijan
4L Georgia
4O Montenegro
4S Sri Lanka
4U United Nations
4W Timor-Leste
4Z Israel
5A Libya
5B Cyprus
5H Tanzania
5N Nigeria
5R Madagascar
5T Mauritania
5U Niger
5V Togo
5W Western Samoa
5X Uganda
5Z Kenya
6W Senegal
6Y Jamaica
7O Yemen
7P Lesotho
7Q Malawi
7X Algeria
8P Barbados
8Q Maldives
8R Guyana
9A Croatia
9G Ghana
9H Malta
9J Zambia
9K Kuwait
9L Sierra Leone
9M Malaysia
9N Nepal
9Q Democratic Republic of the Congo
9U Burundi
9V Singapore
9X Rwanda
9Y Trinidad and Tobago
A2 Botswana
A3 Tonga
A4 Oman
A5 Bhutan
A6 United Arab Emirates
A7 Qatar
A9 Bahrain
AP Pakistan
BV Taiwan
BY China
C2 Nauru
C3 Andorra
C5 The Gambia
C6 Bahamas
C9 Mozambique
CE Chile
CN Morocco
CO Cuba
CP Bolivia
CR Madeira
CT Portugal
CU Azores
CX Uruguay
D2 Angola
D4 Cape Verde
D6 Comoros
DL Germany
DU Philippines
E3 Eritrea
E4 Palestine
E5 Cook Islands
E7 Bosnia and Herzegovina
EA Spain
EI Ireland
EK Armenia
EL Liberia
EP Iran
ER Moldova
ES Estonia
ET Ethiopia
EU Belarus
EX Kyrgyzstan
EY Tajikistan
EZ Turkmenistan
FD France
FG Guadeloupe
FH Mayotte
FK New Caledonia
FM Martinique
FO French Polynesia
FP Saint-Pierre and Miquelon
FR Reunion
FT French Southern Territories
FW Wallis and Futuna
FY French Guiana
GB England
GD Isle of Man
GI Northern Ireland
GJ Jersey
GM Scotland
GU Guernsey
GW Wales
H4 Solomon Islands
HA Hungary
HB Liechtenstein
HC Ecuador
HE Switzerland
HH Haiti
HI Dominican Republic
HK Colombia
HL South Korea
HP Panama
HR Honduras
HS Thailand
HV Vatican
ID Italy
IS Sardinia
IT Sicily
J2 Djibouti
J3 Grenada
J5 Guinea-Bissau
J6 Saint Lucia
J7 Saint Lucia
J8 Saint Vincent
JA Japan
JT Mongolia
JW Svalbard
JY Jordan
KD United States of America
KG Guantanamo
KH Hawaii and American Pacific Islands
KL Alaska
KP Puerto Rico and American Caribbean Islands
LA Norway
LU Argentina
LX Luxembourg
LY Lithuania
LZ Bulgaria
OA Peru
OD Lebanon
OE Austria
OH Finland
OK Czech Republic
OM Slovakia
ON Belgium
OX Greenland
OY Faroes
OZ Denmark
P2 Papua New Guinea
P4 Aruba
P5 North Korea
PA The Netherlands
PJ Netherlands Antilles
PY Brazil
PZ Suriname
S0 Western Sahara
S2 Bangladesh
S5 Slovenia
S7 Seychelles
S9 Sao Tome and Principe
SM Sweden
SP Poland
ST Sudan
SU Egypt
SV Greece
SY Mount Athos
T2 Tuvalu
T3 Kiribati
T5 Somalia
T7 San Marino
T8 Palau
TA Turkey
TF Iceland
TG Guatemala
TI Costa Rica
TJ Cameroon
TK Corsica
TL Central African Republic
TN Republic of the Congo
TR Gabon
TT Chad
TU Cote d'Ivoire
TY Benin
TZ Mali
UA Russia
UK Uzbekistan
UN Kazakhstan
UR Ukraine
V2 Antigua and Barbuda
V3 Belize
V4 Saint Kitts and Nevis
V5 Namibia
V6 Micronesia
V7 Marshall Islands
V8 Brunei Darussalam
VE Canada
VK Australia
VP British Overseas Territories
VQ Chagos
VR Hong Kong
VU India
XE Mexico
XT Burkina Faso
XU Cambodia
XW Laos
XX Macao
XY Myanmar
YA Afghanistan
YB Indonesia
YI Iraq
YJ Vanuatu
YK Syria
YL Latvia
YN Nicaragua
YO Romania
YS El Salvador
YU Serbia
YV Venezuela
Z2 Zimbabwe
Z3 Macedonia
ZA Albania
ZB Gibraltar
ZC UK Sovereign Base Areas on Cyprus
ZD Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
ZF Cayman Islands
ZK Niue and Tokelau
ZL New Zealand
ZP Paraguay
ZS Republic of South Africa

Grid Square Code Allocation


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