Shortwave Listening (SWL) is a hobby, listening to shortwave radio broadcasts or amateur radio stations. Since digital modes of communication became popular amongst radio amateurs, digital mode monitoring is now starting to come into use. The traditional concept of Shortwave Listening does not include the use of software to decode and monitor radio stations using digital modes and indeed, you don't listen to PSK, RTTY or SSTV signals, you monitor them!
The European PSK Club (EPC) has created a special Digital Monitoring Section. Its purpose is to involve more people in digital monitoring, and promote good monitoring practice across all amateur bands. The section issues and maintains a database of unique Digital Monitoring Station (DMS) identification signs. These signs are based on the recognized international prefix system. Successful applicants receive a high quality, colourful DMS and EPC certificates in PDF format via email. Each new applicant is assigned a unique DMS Identification Sign and EPC Number for life. DMS identification signs and EPC numbers are never re-issued; they are permanently listed in the EPC Records. Anyone can apply and get a DMS identification sign, there are no special requirements.
This service, including certificates is free of charge. The EPC Digital Monitoring Section has defined a unique system of DMS identification signs. Be aware that this is not an official standard, sanctioned by any international body. This is intended for the digital monitoring hobby. Each DMS identification sign consists of a two-character country prefix, four-number Grid Square code, and two-number personal code that is unique within the Grid Square. For example, GM-967502 represents Scotland «GM», in Grid Square «IO75», where «IO» is converted into two-number code «96» (see table below), and the station's personal number is «02».
Prefix Allocation
1A | Order of Malta |
3A | Monaco |
3B | Mauritius |
3C | Equatorial Guinea |
3D | Swaziland |
3D | Fiji |
3V | Tunisia |
3W | Vietnam |
3X | Guinea |
4K | Azerbaijan |
4L | Georgia |
4O | Montenegro |
4S | Sri Lanka |
4U | United Nations |
4W | Timor-Leste |
4Z | Israel |
5A | Libya |
5B | Cyprus |
5H | Tanzania |
5N | Nigeria |
5R | Madagascar |
5T | Mauritania |
5U | Niger |
5V | Togo |
5W | Western Samoa |
5X | Uganda |
5Z | Kenya |
6W | Senegal |
6Y | Jamaica |
7O | Yemen |
7P | Lesotho |
7Q | Malawi |
7X | Algeria |
8P | Barbados |
8Q | Maldives |
8R | Guyana |
9A | Croatia |
9G | Ghana |
9H | Malta |
9J | Zambia |
9K | Kuwait |
9L | Sierra Leone |
9M | Malaysia |
9N | Nepal |
9Q | Democratic Republic of the Congo |
9U | Burundi |
9V | Singapore |
9X | Rwanda |
9Y | Trinidad and Tobago |
A2 | Botswana |
A3 | Tonga |
A4 | Oman |
A5 | Bhutan |
A6 | United Arab Emirates |
A7 | Qatar |
A9 | Bahrain |
AP | Pakistan |
BV | Taiwan |
BY | China |
C2 | Nauru |
C3 | Andorra |
C5 | The Gambia |
C6 | Bahamas |
C9 | Mozambique |
CE | Chile |
CN | Morocco |
CO | Cuba |
CP | Bolivia |
CR | Madeira |
CT | Portugal |
CU | Azores |
CX | Uruguay |
D2 | Angola |
D4 | Cape Verde |
D6 | Comoros |
DL | Germany |
DU | Philippines |
E3 | Eritrea |
E4 | Palestine |
E5 | Cook Islands |
E7 | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
EA | Spain |
EI | Ireland |
EK | Armenia |
EL | Liberia |
EP | Iran |
ER | Moldova |
ES | Estonia |
ET | Ethiopia |
EU | Belarus |
EX | Kyrgyzstan |
EY | Tajikistan |
EZ | Turkmenistan |
FD | France |
FG | Guadeloupe |
FH | Mayotte |
FK | New Caledonia |
FM | Martinique |
FO | French Polynesia |
FP | Saint-Pierre and Miquelon |
FR | Reunion |
FT | French Southern Territories |
FW | Wallis and Futuna |
FY | French Guiana |
GB | England |
GD | Isle of Man |
GI | Northern Ireland |
GJ | Jersey |
GM | Scotland |
GU | Guernsey |
GW | Wales |
H4 | Solomon Islands |
HA | Hungary |
HB | Liechtenstein |
HC | Ecuador |
HE | Switzerland |
HH | Haiti |
HI | Dominican Republic |
HK | Colombia |
HL | South Korea |
HP | Panama |
HR | Honduras |
HS | Thailand |
HV | Vatican |
ID | Italy |
IS | Sardinia |
IT | Sicily |
J2 | Djibouti |
J3 | Grenada |
J5 | Guinea-Bissau |
J6 | Saint Lucia |
J7 | Saint Lucia |
J8 | Saint Vincent |
JA | Japan |
JT | Mongolia |
JW | Svalbard |
JY | Jordan |
KD | United States of America |
KG | Guantanamo |
KH | Hawaii and American Pacific Islands |
KL | Alaska |
KP | Puerto Rico and American Caribbean Islands |
LA | Norway |
LU | Argentina |
LX | Luxembourg |
LY | Lithuania |
LZ | Bulgaria |
OA | Peru |
OD | Lebanon |
OE | Austria |
OH | Finland |
OK | Czech Republic |
OM | Slovakia |
ON | Belgium |
OX | Greenland |
OY | Faroes |
OZ | Denmark |
P2 | Papua New Guinea |
P4 | Aruba |
P5 | North Korea |
PA | The Netherlands |
PJ | Netherlands Antilles |
PY | Brazil |
PZ | Suriname |
S0 | Western Sahara |
S2 | Bangladesh |
S5 | Slovenia |
S7 | Seychelles |
S9 | Sao Tome and Principe |
SM | Sweden |
SP | Poland |
ST | Sudan |
SU | Egypt |
SV | Greece |
SY | Mount Athos |
T2 | Tuvalu |
T3 | Kiribati |
T5 | Somalia |
T7 | San Marino |
T8 | Palau |
TA | Turkey |
TF | Iceland |
TG | Guatemala |
TI | Costa Rica |
TJ | Cameroon |
TK | Corsica |
TL | Central African Republic |
TN | Republic of the Congo |
TR | Gabon |
TT | Chad |
TU | Cote d'Ivoire |
TY | Benin |
TZ | Mali |
UA | Russia |
UK | Uzbekistan |
UN | Kazakhstan |
UR | Ukraine |
V2 | Antigua and Barbuda |
V3 | Belize |
V4 | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
V5 | Namibia |
V6 | Micronesia |
V7 | Marshall Islands |
V8 | Brunei Darussalam |
VE | Canada |
VK | Australia |
VP | British Overseas Territories |
VQ | Chagos |
VR | Hong Kong |
VU | India |
XE | Mexico |
XT | Burkina Faso |
XU | Cambodia |
XW | Laos |
XX | Macao |
XY | Myanmar |
YA | Afghanistan |
YB | Indonesia |
YI | Iraq |
YJ | Vanuatu |
YK | Syria |
YL | Latvia |
YN | Nicaragua |
YO | Romania |
YS | El Salvador |
YU | Serbia |
YV | Venezuela |
Z2 | Zimbabwe |
Z3 | Macedonia |
ZA | Albania |
ZB | Gibraltar |
ZC | UK Sovereign Base Areas on Cyprus |
ZD | Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha |
ZF | Cayman Islands |
ZK | Niue and Tokelau |
ZL | New Zealand |
ZP | Paraguay |
ZS | Republic of South Africa |
Grid Square Code Allocation